Eva-Mi is a Swedish songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist who has passionately navigated through rock, blues, pop, and soul—always with a deep sense of authenticity and expression.

Since her early teens, Eva-Mi has been an active force in various bands and musical projects. She has toured throughout Sweden and Europe with the critically acclaimed roots rock band Among Lynx and fronted the successful hard rock band Thundermother. Over the years, she has also recorded commercial pop tracks for a variety of producers. Additionally, Eva-Mi has explored the American music scene with multiple performances in the U.S., establishing collaborations with musicians in the creative and vibrant music hub of Austin, Texas.

Now, after exploring the complex waters of collaborations and band dynamics, Eva-Mi is finally ready to embrace her solo project—a project close to her heart. With enthusiasm and a fresh vision, she looks forward to releasing her debut single "Seesaw" November 15, 2024.







Friday November 15th, 2024, Eva-Mi will release her solo debut single "Seesaw." A powerful piece of alt pop that blends gritty R&B, raw soul and roots rock. Produced in collaboration with Bryce Powell from Austin, Texas, and Anders Scherp at Mansion on the Hill Studio in Stockholm. "Seesaw" weaves an organic and evocative soundscape, where unpolished slide guitars harmoniously merge with playful synthesizers and choir arrangements, while the lead vocals dance across this timeless sound. A sound that both captivates and seduces.

The song takes the listener on an emotional battlefield where ambivalence is brought to the forefront. It highlights the constant pendulum between personal truths, external expectations, and ideals. "Seesaw is not a song about finding balance - it’s about daring to fall and embracing the inner struggles between stability and change.”

Head producer and songwriter: Eva-Mi Ringqvist

Label: DopeDolores Records

Recorded at: Mansion on the Hill Studio

Mix and master: Gustav Lindelöw, Ingrid Studios


  • Eva-Mi Ringqvist: Lead vocals, guitars, backing vocals
  • Bryce Powell: Synthesizers, synth bass
  • Anders Scherp: Drums, backing vocals
  • Fredrika Johansson: Backing vocals
  • Lo Johansson Hammarström: Backing vocals


Fredagen den 15 november 2024 släpper Eva-Mi sin solodebut-singel "Seesaw". Ett stycke kraftfull alt pop som förenar rå R&B och opolerad roots rock. Producerad i samarbete med Bryce Powell från Austin, Texas och Anders af Scherp i Mansion on the Hill Studio i Stockholm, väver “Seesaw” ett organiskt och suggestivt sound. Här smälter råa slidegitarrer harmoniskt samman med lekfulla syntar och körarrangemang, medan sången dansar över denna tidlösa ljudbild. Ett otvunget sound som både fäster och förför. 

Låten tar lyssnaren med på ett känslomässigt slagfält där identitetens lager rivs upp och ambivalensen får stå i rampljuset. Låten belyser den ständiga pendlingen mellan egna sanningar, yttre förväntningar och ideal. "Seesaw är inte en låt om att hitta balans - den handlar om att våga falla, att omfamna de inre striderna mellan stabilitet och förändring”.

Huvudproducent och låtskrivare: Eva-Mi Ringqvist

Skivbolag: DopeDolores Records

Inspelad i: Mansion on the Hill Studio

Mix och mastring: Gustav Lindelöw, Ingrid Studios


  • Eva-Mi Ringqvist: Leadsång, gitarrer, kör
  • Bryce Powell: Synthesizers, syntbas
  • Anders Scherp: Trummor, kör
  • Fredrika Johansson: Kör
  • Lo Johansson Hammarström: Kör


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